Bryson Nicholas batt
August 5, 2020 - September 5, 2020
BAKER Bryson batt
March 8, 2022 - April 21, 2022
These sweet baby boys' lives were taken way too soon and no parent should ever have to endure the loss of a child. Their parent's Ashley and Nick have been paying it forward in honor of Bryson by donating bears in his name that go to families in the Detroit Children’s Hospital NICU that unfortunately don’t get to take their baby home. They also put together care packages for the NICU families with food delivery gift cards, toys, and books. Since they have lost Baker, they continue to support other families struggling to hold on to their babies. Spite going through the pain of losing 2 babies the Batt family has started a non-profit in honor of both their boys, The Bryson & Baker Batt Foundation.
Ashley and Nick have such strength and mean so much to me. They have truly helped me grow HSRGraphics, so I decided to give them a platform to share their story. This page is dedicated to the life of sweet little Bryson Nicholas Batt & his little brother Baker Bryson Batt and a portion of the proceeds for every invitation/announcement purchased through this page will go directly to the non-profit "The Bryson & Baker Batt Foundation"
Bryson and Baker's Story
Bryson Nicholas Batt was born on August 5, 2020. Bryson was and is so loved and admired by our family, friends, and his NICU nurses. He was with us for a month until he gained his wings and went to heaven. Our time with him may have been too brief, but with the love we have for him that time is forever. Every time we got to change his outfit or diaper, bathe him, hold him, read to him, facetime to show him off to the world, our hearts just fell so much more in love with him. We will forever hold him in our hearts, wishing it was our arms. He made us a mommy and daddy and he will always be our first son.
When we found out we were having another boy, we knew Bryson had sent him to us, so we decided to name him Baker Bryson in honor of his big brother. We were so happy to bring this boy into this world. Bryson knew we needed him in our lives. Unfortunately after Baker was born, we discovered that he was showing the same signs and symptoms that Bryson had. 6 weeks later our sweet Baker gained his wings and joined his big brother in heaven. Baker stole our hearts immediately as well as all our family, friends & NICU nurses.
These boys hold a special place in our hearts, as well as many others that their short lives touched here.
We love talking about Bryson & Baker and remembering them anyway we can.




Baby Announcmnents

For every piece purchased, 35% of the proceeds will go directly to the Bryson & Baker Batt Foundation to help purchase teddy bears and other care packages for the Detroit Children’s Hospital NICU & Ascension St. Johns NICU.